Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

A Christmas addition for your capsule wardrobe

On the matter of missing items from a capsule wardrobe (Letters, 25 August), I nominate the addition of the Christmas jumper, without which you cannot enter your place of work on designated days. Did I just get the first mention of yuletide on the letters page in 2024?Siobhán Ní ChuanaighDublin, Ireland
Michael Rosen’s biology lessons (Miss Pope, my science teacher, would have approved of music and ice lollies in class. Exams aren’t the only way to learn, 23 August) remind me of a lesson my husband did on the Egyptians in the 1970s. To give an idea of the scale of the Great Pyramid, he took his students on to the water meadows, got them to measure the base and positioned them at intervals around the edge, then flew a kite to indicate the height. One child remarked: “This is fun Mr K, but what are we doing?”Belinda KingSudbury, Suffolk
Re Guinness being good for new mothers (Letters, 23 August), in Germany it’s believed that Sekt (sparkling wine) is just the thing to stimulate breastfeeding. I was lucky enough to give birth twice in Bavaria, where almost every visitor presented me with a piccolo – a miniature bottle of bubbly. Kirsten Cubitt Thorley Sheffield
Regarding growing sales of posh pizzas (‘The ultimate fakeaway’: posh pizzas take over UK supermarket shelves, 26 August), surely any self-respecting Guardian household has prosciutto, olives and rocket on hand to pimp any basic supermarket pizza base? Norman MillerBrighton, East Sussex
Posh pizzas? Aren’t pizzas just upmarket cheese on toast?Dr Roger LeitchBath
